Wise Review

Sign up with Wise

Wise has offices in over 14 countries worldwide including Belgium, Hungary, Ukraine, UAE, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Singapore, Australia, Estonia, USA, Japan and Switzerland. Money transfers are suitable for both personal and business needs. Wise also offers multi-currency accounts whereby you can get a local bank account numbers and more for receiving the following currencies: British Pound, Euro, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Romanian Leu, Canadian Dollar, Hungarian Forint and Turkish Lira. You can hold and convert money in 56 currencies, and send money to over 70 countries. Wise is an excellent choice for small money transfers below £50,000, however you may achieve better exchange rates for large money transfers (read the Currencies Direct Review, moneycorp Review or OFX Review to compare Wise). Wise is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Is Wise safe to use and is it a secure International Money Transfer Provider?

Exchange-Rates.com only includes currency providers that are financially regulated. Wise is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Wise Customer Reviews

Wise has a 4.6 rating which is ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot.

Number of People that use Wise

Over 10,000,000 customers have used Wise. Not only can you exchange money between your preferred exchange rate, you can also get a multi-currency account which is useful for world travellers and businesses that need to convert using multiple exchange rates. The multi-currency account includes local bank account details.

How can I transfer money to make a money transfer with Wise?

You can use bank transfer, debit card, credit card, PISP or Swift. Wise only accepts Visa, Mastercard, and some Maestro cards.

What is the Speed of the Money Transfer with Wise?

The timing to complete money transfers with Wise depends on the countries and currencies you are transferring between. It is worth noting that Wise is one of the best money transfer companies for small money transfers, however for large money transfers you will find better exchange rates from other currency providers (see Currencies Direct, moneycorp and OFX).

Wise Money Transfers

Wise Exchange Rates and Fees

Exchange rates are very competitive for small money transfers, and less competitive for large money transfers. Furthermore, there are fees to pay which increase with the amount you are transferring. Exchange rates are less competitive and fees increase for large money transfers when using Wise for the currency exchange conversion.

Number of Currencies Available

Wise include over 50 currencies, including the most popular exchange rates such as US Dollar, Euro, Pound, Indian Rupee, Australian Dollar and more. Currencies can be traded 24/7 online. If you require multiple currencies, Wise offers a multi-currency account which provides you with local bank account numbers.

Wise Online Money Transfers

Wise is specifically designed for online money transfers and it is not possible to trade over the telephone. Wise is ideal for individuals, friends and family, and small businesses looking to make currency conversions online. Another benefit is the ability to use PayPal, Apple Pay, as well as the standard payment methods such as credit card, debit card and bank transfer.

Is there a Wise App?

Yes, there is a Wise app you can download to your device(s). We recommend that you first sign up with Wise at their website before downloading the app.

How do I sign up with Wise?

Wise is simple and easy to sign up with. Open a Wise account today within 5 minutes. Wise is ideal for small money transfers below £50,000.

Are you looking for something different?

Exchange-Rates.com features many currency exchange providers. We recommend that you compare features of the leading providers before selecting the best currency exchange provider for your money transfer.

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